Entering the Unknown
We are in a time of ever increasing uncertainty. I have to admit that I have been eating some humble pie since the election. I was so certain. I was so sure I would have bet money on it. With my whole heart I believed that systems change was coming to the U.S. and that it would be ushered in by a progressive that brought more equality for us all, that no one would be left behind. I am still trying to accept that this change in systems is not coming from a more gentle distribution of wealth and power within our existing system, but instead is being brought by a destructive sledge hammer that will ripple across the globe. It seems the billionaires and foreign powers have manipulated the American people into a gross display of submission. I and so many others have been reeling with complex emotions—outrage, fear, bewilderment, sorrow, compassion, and yes even hope. I am also finding glimmers of light because I know the light is always there.
Intense polarizing energy in the system pulled the country into deep division, and now we are about to fall into the chasm. I am a firm believer that we cannot depend on our politicians to save us. We are moving into a time where our savior is not someone in power, it's in each other. Building community during this time is of utmost importance. We are like mycelium under the forest floor—we are connective tissue, an organic intelligence that will rise up through the soil into a new world.
Take the time to be outraged, resist what is most important to resist, protect and serve in ways that make sense, but also consider making space for the long arc of change. There is the opportunity to continue to grow during these times, but we have to make it so.